Wednesday, August 09, 2006

engage in solo activities

Spotted this More4 news blog about "How to cover a Wank-a-thon tastefully".  It brought a smile to my face so I have dutifully linked to it here.  Sorry I haven't updated as regularly as before, but I promised I would only post the interesting whilst avoiding general mundane meanderings.

I think it is great that Channel for have decided to have a "Wank Week".  People need to lose their hang-ups about this activity and celebrate their bodies and sexuality.  90% of people masturbate, and the rest are just lying (not a real statistic, but there has to be some truth to it).  I bet even Mormons masturbate, or at least engage in solo activities that involve some kind of... "release", that they choose not to call masturbation.  If people can seriously get by without wanking, they have the greatest of willpowers or a broken sex box.

Enjoy Wank Week safely, if its still on, and if not, make every week Wank Week.

I bid you adieu.

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